Shipping & Delivery:
All TEA products are digital and delivered via email to the authorized/registered recipient. If any problems are experienced, or if there are questions, please contact us via Contact Us.
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Information is collected from visitors to this site only when registering, subscribing, or completing a purchase. This information is used solely to process transactions and will never be given, sold, transferred to any other organization, company, or individual.
Provided Links:
The only links provided at this site are to the sponsoring organization websites to facilitate member and membership access.
Downloading as a Subscriber or Member:
Downloads of volumes and articles are provided at no cost to current members of AREA or CPDE and those that have purchased a subscription. If you are a current member of AREA or CPDE complete the registration process – Register Here. Your registration as a member will then be verified and you will be notified when your account has been set up accordingly. You may purchase a subscription at any time Subscribe Here following which your account will be set up for free downloads. Once set up as a member or subscriber, all you will need to do to access free downloads is to login when you visit this site.
Purchasing and Downloading as a Guest:
When guests have finished shopping and their Cart is complete, they will proceed to purchase the selected items using PayPal. After the PayPal transaction is complete an email will be sent to the purchaser that serves as both a receipt and provide one time download links to all items purchased.
To become a member of AREA or CPDE:
Return to the home page and then follow the link to the home page of the organization you may like to join (or at least find out more about). Once at the organization’s home page you find information on how to become a member.