This paper is a preliminary exploration into the possibility or lack thereof for deriving worklife expectancies for persons with specific disabilities. Such an inquiry seems warranted and a natural next step in view of recent work by Skoog and Toppino (1999). This work criticized the disability worklife expectancy tables produced by Vocational Econometrics and Anthony M. Gamboa, Jr. of Vocational Econometrics, Inc. (VEI) (1998). The next section, Section II, discusses the definition of disability in the CPS and in the SIPP. Section III describes the SIPP data that will be used to compute worklife expectancies. Section IV describes how the SIPP data could be used to construct some “rough and ready” worklife expectancies for various categories of disability. This section also discusses some of the limitations of using these worklife expectancies. Section V offers some concluding remarks.
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