Journal of the American Rehabilitation Economics Association
Volume VIII 2006
Current Information on AREA | preface |
Articles | |
Allyn B. Needham and Shannon H. Shipp
Substance Abuse and Its Impact on Employment and Earnings for Blue Collar Workers |
1 |
Gary R. Skoog and James E. Ciecka
Markov Model Worklife Expectancies and Association of American Railroads Type Worklife Expectancies of Railroad Workers Based on theTwenty-Second Actuarial Valuation of the US Railroad Retirement Board |
13 |
Patrick Fitzgerald and Kurt V. Krueger
Tort Remedy in the Law versus Economic Restitution for Personal Injury and Wrongful Death |
27 |
Carol Bennett and Barbara A. Dunlap
The Role of the Vocational Expert in Personal Injury Litigation |
39 |
Thomas R. Ireland
Historical Discount Rates – An Update Through 2005 |
49 |
Anthony H. Riccardi
Attorney’s Fees Under New York’s Revised Medical Malpractice Law: A Life-Care Application |
69 |
AREA Code of Ethics | 93 |
Style Sheet | 99 |
Board of Referees | 100 |
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