

The Role of an Economic Expert in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Matters: Common & Unique Engagements

Needham, Allyn.  2014. “The Role of an Economic Expert in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Matters: Common & Unique Engagements.”  The Earnings Analyst, 14: 31-46.


Economic experts may be called on to provide a number of services in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. The most common of these services is the analysis of the interest rate to be paid over time on secured claims and the valuing of the bankrupt business or a portion of the bankrupt estate. None of these functions are exclusive to the bankruptcy courts. However, in applying commonly used techniques, an expert must be aware of how bankruptcy courts have treated these methodologies. This overview will provide explanations of the four methods used for analyzing interest rates in Chapter 11 cram down matters and the most commonly used methods for performing business valuations. Bankruptcy and appellant decisions explaining their opinions on the use of these methods have also been provided. In addition, each section will discuss unique situations that experts have been asked to address when considering a bankrupt estate.


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